Thursday, October 09, 2008

Core Gallery

It seems like every couple of months I end up with a project that involves a fair amount of Javascript. Back in March it was working with Simile Timeline to visualize depth-based data. This time around, I wanted to create a lightweight way to visualize our drill core imagery. We already have full-featured visualization tools that scientists use, so I was looking to create something simple that would engage non-geologists.

The result is the Core Gallery. It shows an animated whole core image next to a split core image. Since the images are too large to display on the screen, there's a slider that lets you see different parts of the core. The page also displays some additional information about the core.

I'm really happy how it turned out. The page is 100% HTML, Javascript, and CSS. No Flash and no Java. For the Javascript, I'm using JQuery for no reason other than I wanted to see how it stacked up to other JS libraries I've used. It was perfect for this project and a treat to work with. Below I'm going to sketch out how various parts of the page are built.

Core Slider
The core slider is the most complicated part of the page. It uses the JQuery UI/Slider component. I used this screencast to help me acquaint myself with the slider. To achieve the highlighted core effect as the slider handle moves, I used two thumbnails of the core. One thumbnail is regular and one is washed out. I set the washed out thumbnail as a CSS background image on the slider element. I set the regular thumbnail as a CSS background image on the slider handle. The handle has a fixed size based on the height of the thumbnail vs. the height of the real core images so only part of the thumbnail is shown. From the slider's slide() callback, I simply update the CSS background-position property on the handle to ensure that handle's image is showing the same portion of the core as the underlying slider. I use this same technique to move the rotating whole core and split core images, taking the difference in image height between the thumbnail and the other core images into account.

Animated Whole Core Image
The slider was the most complicated but the animated whole core image was the most challenging. I wanted show the image animated in faux 3D. I initially started with a Java applet using JOGL. The applet worked on my Mac but not on Windows or Linux, so I abandoned it. I then got the idea to employ the CSS Sprites technique. So I used a tool to render the 3D whole core image 90 times each rotated by 4 degrees and montaged them together. Once I had this, it was simply a matter of setting up a Javascript Timer interval to fire every 50ms and move the image right by a fixed amount each time. This simulates animation fairly effectively. I keep track of the current rotation and vertical offset in global variables so the core keeps rotating when you move the slider.

Split Core Image
I use the same technique as on the slider handle to make the image track the slider's position.

Core Links
In the text description, it is possible to link to different parts of the core. This is a somewhat neat trick. To accomplish it, I wrap portions of the description text in span tags. Each span tag has an id attribute in the form of a ratio between 0.0 and 1.0. Using JQuery, I find these special span tags and add an onClick handler that updates the slider position based on the span's id attribute. So if the span had an id of 0.8, clicking on it would move the slider to the 80% position of the core. 0.0 takes you to the top and 1.0 takes you to the bottom.

Overall the Core Gallery turned out surprisingly well for being 100% browser-based. It took much less work than I originally envisioned thanks to JQuery. I'd definitely consider JQuery for future projects.

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