Wednesday, August 06, 2008

OSGi Command Line Applications

I'm a big fan of OSGi. One thing I always wanted to do but never got around to implementing until just recently was to be able to call services in an OSGi application from the command line. I've often wanted to be able to script PSICAT instead of having to fire it up and interact with the GUI. Turns out it's not all that difficult; you just need to sit down and do it. The only snag I ran into was that I couldn't find an implementation-agnostic way of accomplishing this, so the code I'm going to show is for the Equinox OSGi implementation. Though the same could easily be accomplished in Felix or likely other implementations with minor changes.

As with most things, there are multiple ways to skin a cat. The route I chose was to embed Equinox in a Java app and mediate command line access through this class. Fortunately, most of the work is already done for us via the EcliseStarter class (if you're on Felix, check out this). Assuming Equinox is on your classpath, simply calling EclipseStarter#startup() will fire up the Equinox runtime. More importantly, it will give you a BundleContext which you can use to interact with the OSGi framework. Once we have a BundleContext, we can do interesting things like install and start additional bundles:

public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
// start the framework
context = EclipseStarter.startup(new String[0], null);

// install all bundles

// start our platform bundles

// start plugins
for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) {

The final piece is to do the command line interaction. For this, I created an interface that bundles can publish services under to make them available to the command line:

public interface ICommand {
* Execute this command.
* @param args
* the args.
* @return the return value.
Object execute(String[] args) throws Exception;

* Gets the help text that explains this command.
* @return the help text.
String getHelp();

Unfortunately since there is a lot of classloader magic going on, we can't just get these ICommand classes from the service registry and invoke them directly (like we would do from inside OSGi). The OSGi classes are on a different classloader than the one we started things on. At first this may seem annoying but its actually a good thing--it means fools can't crash the OSGi implementation. So we either can specify some classloader chicanery (osgi.parentClassloader=app) or we can invoke the commands via reflection. I opted for this route because I was always taught not to mess with things you don't understand and the ClassLoader hierarchy under OSGi is definitely something I don't understand. Here's the two applicable methods:

private static Object invokeCommand(final String name, final String[] args)
throws Exception {
String filter = "(&(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS + "="
+ ICommand.class.getName() + ")(name=" + name + "))";
ServiceReference[] services = context.getAllServiceReferences(
ICommand.class.getName(), filter);
if ((services != null) && (services.length != 0)) {
Object c = context.getService(services[0]);
if (c != null) {
Method m = c.getClass().getMethod("execute", String[].class);
return m.invoke(c, (Object) args);
return "Command not found: " + name;

private static Map getAllCommands() {
Map commands = new LinkedHashMap();
try {
ServiceReference[] services = context.getAllServiceReferences(
ICommand.class.getName(), null);
if (services != null) {
for (ServiceReference r : services) {
Object c = context.getService(r);
if (c != null) {
try {
Method m = c.getClass().getMethod("getHelp");
commands.put((String) r.getProperty("name"),
(String) m.invoke(c));
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// ignore
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ignore
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// ignore
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// ignore
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
// should never happen
return commands;

Not my finest hour, throwing Exception, but it should get you on your way. It works like a charm in my app.


Saturday, August 02, 2008

AT&T Update

Well, since I bitched about AT&T last time, I suppose I should post something with some technical merit. It'll be in the next post, so folks that want to read it don't have to read through this post. For those of you interested, things aren't fully resolved with AT&T but Elizabeth's mom got on the phone with AT&T and put them in their place. She took it to the AT&T National level and has direct lines to folks there that can actually get stuff done. Supposedly everything is almost sorted, I just need to bring my iPhone in and get it re-programmed to my new number. I say 'supposedly' because until the deal is actually done and it's been a month or two, I have absolutely no faith in AT&T. It was a bit comical, though, because Elizabeth's mom got things sorted in like 20 minutes. Both Elizabeth and I are dumbfounded after the numerous interactions with AT&T, both on the phone and in person, as to how she could be so persuasive.